After my last blog about reading books I received a lot of good recommendations from people to have a good list of books to read! I figured it would be good to share my list of favorite podcasts as well.

I know that in the US listening to podcasts is much more common than over in Europe, although it’s gaining a lot of interest lately and good quality content is definitely made!

As I don’t really have a commute (I work from my home office), I sometimes have trouble keeping up with the inbox of my podcast app. I also found that I can only really listen to podcasts when I can concentrate on the listening. For example when driving a car, when I’m traveling, etc. If I listen to a podcast while doing anything else, I find that I don’t really remember what was said.


As favorite podcast app I use: Castro (only on iOS). I’ve been using it for about 2 years now and it really brings me all the features I like:

  • Queue sorted the way I want (chronological or listen to certain podcasts as soon as they come out)
  • Per podcast speed settings
  • Side loading of single episodes or audio files
  • Auto switching dark mode
  • Enhanced voices
  • Great design
  • Ability to share episodes and audio snippets

I do pay for Castro Plus to get some of these features, but it’s well worth it as I use the app almost daily.

My favorite podcasts

This is my list of favorite podcasts, in the order I look forward to listen to them as soon as they come out!

  1. Masters of Scale with Reid Hoffman
  2. Reply All
  3. Exponent (the Stratechery podcast from Ben Thompson)
  4. Dark Net Diaries
  5. Software Gone Wild by
  6. How I built this with Guy Raz
  7. The Kevin Rose Show
  8. PacketPushers
  9. Malicious Life
  10. The Tim Ferris Show
  11. a16z (the Andreessen Horowitz podcast)

I also love listening to The Daily, but because of all the other stuff I have in my podcast queue, I rarely get to it.

My favorite Dutch spoken podcasts:

  1. Een podcast over media
  2. Man man man, de podcast
  3. De Appels en Peren Show
  4. Met nerds om tafel
  5. 30 minuten Rauw door Ruud de Wild
  6. Tweakers Podcast
  7. NOS op 3 Tech Podcast
  8. De technoloog van BNR

If you have any tips to spend even more time in my podcast queue, let me know! 🙂